Jun 10, 2013

George R.R. Martin ‘Game Of Thrones’ Spoilers — Real Or A Hoax?

Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin was on Conan and revealed some spoilers for Season Five and fans are wondering if it was a joke or if it’s true.
“I’ve been working on A Song of Ice and Fire since 1991 and I think fans will be surprised about what’s coming up,” Martin says in a video which is allegedly leaked footage from the Game of Thrones Season Four DVD bonus features.
First of all Season Three’s finale ends airs Sunday on HBO, why would the author skip to Season Five?
As for the rest, here is our RumorFix analysis with the help of GOT uber geek Danny Henningsen:
RUMOR: “Joffrey adopts an adorable lion cub and learns the true meaning of Christmas.”
GEEK RESPONSE: There was no Christmas, because there was no birth of Christ on Game of Thrones. It doesn’t take place on our planet and they have seven other gods.
RUMOR: “Next season, the dragons talk!”
GEEK RESPONSE: Dragons don’t talk.
RUMOR: “After Season 4, we’re doing a complete reboot with Daenerys Targaryen played by Zachary Quinto.”
GEEK RESPONSE: Zachary Quinto can’t play Daenerys, because she is a woman.
RUMOR: “Arya Stark discovers the ruins of the Statue of Liberty on the beach and realizes she was on Earth the whole time. Hodor.”
GEEK RESPONSE: The world is not planet Earth therefore, there is no way to find the Statue of Liberty.
RUMOR: “Jaime Lannister forms Kingslayer, the first heavy metal band in Westeros.”
GEEK RESPONSE: Jaime only has one hand and can’t sing
RUMOR: “The lords and ladies of Winterfell are saved by their long lost cousin, the creator of the Iron Throne, Tony Stark”
GEEK RESPONSE: Game of Thrones is an epic fantasy, Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) is a superhero.
RUMOR: “Winter comes. It’s not so bad. Cozy”
GEEK RESPONSE: Winter is the deadliest season of all.
And last but not least, Conan is a comedian — it’s supposed to be funny folks!