Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin was on Conan and revealed some spoilers for Season Five and fans are wondering if it was a joke or if it’s true.
“I’ve been working
on A Song of Ice and Fire since 1991 and I think fans will be surprised about what’s coming up,” Martin says in a video which is allegedly leaked footage from the Game of Thrones Season Four DVD bonus features.
First of all Season Three’s finale ends airs Sunday on HBO
, why would the author skip to Season Five?
As for the rest, here is our RumorFix analysis with the help of GOT uber geek Danny Henningsen:
RUMOR: “Joffrey adopts an adorable lion cub and learns the true meaning of Christmas.”
GEEK RESPONSE: There was no Christmas, because there was no birth of Christ on Game of Thrones. It doesn’t take place on our planet and they have seven other gods.
RUMOR: “Next season, the dragons talk!”
GEEK RESPONSE: Dragons don’t talk.
RUMOR: “After Season 4, we’re doing a complete reboot with Daenerys Targaryen played by Zachary Quinto.”
GEEK RESPONSE: Zachary Quinto can’t play Daenerys, because she is a woman.
RUMOR: “Arya Stark discovers the ruins of the Statue of Liberty on the beach and realizes she was on Earth the whole time. Hodor.”
GEEK RESPONSE: The world is not planet Earth therefore, there is no way to find the Statue of Liberty.
RUMOR: “Jaime Lannister forms Kingslayer, the first heavy metal band in Westeros.”
GEEK RESPONSE: Jaime only has one hand and can’t sing
RUMOR: “The lords and ladies of Winterfell are saved by their long lost cousin, the creator of the Iron Throne, Tony Stark”
GEEK RESPONSE: Game of Thrones is an epic fantasy, Tony Stark (aka Iron Man) is a superhero.
RUMOR: “Winter comes. It’s not so bad. Cozy”
GEEK RESPONSE: Winter is the deadliest season of all.
And last but not least, Conan is a comedian — it’s supposed to be funny
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