Jun 13, 2013

Joe Francis: The Hollywood Reporter Screwed Me During Conviction Interview

Joe Francis is not happy with the way The Hollywood Reporter portrayed him in a recent article published regarding the Girls Gone Wild founder’s recent legal woes.
During a six-hour long sit-down interview with THR reporter Stephen Galloway, Francis opened up about being found guilty on misdemeanor charges of falsely imprisoning three women in his Bel Air home in 2011.
In a shocking statement, Joe tells Galloway, “I want that jury to know that each and every one of you are mentally f***ing retarded and you should be euthanized because, as Darwin said, you have naturally selected yourself,” he shouts. “You are the weakest members of the herd. Goodbye! And if that jury wants to convict me because I didn’t show up, which is the only reason why they did, then, you know, they should all be lined up and shot!”
Displeased with the way THR made him out to seem, Joe tells The Dirty‘s Nik Richie that he was set up and accuses the reporter of egging him on and saying something he really didn’t mean.
Francis reveals to Richie, “At the end of the interview [Galloway] would say ‘God, they’re [the jury] is so stupid,’ so I go like, ‘Yeah they’re stupid,’ and I got more excited about i t… and by the end I was saying, ‘Yeah they’re retarded’– and I made the joke, yes.”
The 40-year-old playboy adds, “I’m sorry for my comments because they were taken out of context. I’m sorry, but that reporter screwed me!”
After his quick apology, Francis concludes, “They [THR] made me look like a complete a-hole. And understand– this guy Steven Galloway is just a real douche bag and he’s a liar too!”
Prosecutors said Francis took the women to his home after a night at Supper Club, and when a dispute broke out between a few of the girls, Francis grabbed one of the women by the hair and throat and slammed her head into the floor.
Francis is due back in court for a July 9 sentencing where he faces a punishment of up to five years in prison.
RumorFix has reached out to Steve Galloway for his reaction.