Oct 16, 2013

Matt Smith: 'Doctor Who' 50th Anniversary Special Photos!

Check out these new photos of Matt Smith in the highly anticipated Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special.

Also featured in the photos are the 30-year-old actor’s co-stars David TennantJenna ColemanBillie Piper, and John Hurt. The episode is titled “The Day of the Doctor,” is seventy-five minutes long, and is slated to air on November 23.

In order to make sure fans won’t be spoiled, BBC Worldwide is orchestrating a worldwide simulcast in 200 countries. It is expected that 100 million people will tune in. Amazing!
If you are in the U.S., you can catch the episode at 2pm EST/11am PST on BBC America.

ARE YOU EXCITED for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special?

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