It was the moment that a ton of television fans have been waiting for since March – the fourth season premiere of The Walking Dead is finally here!
At the end of last season, Andrea had died after getting bit, The Governor’s whereabouts were unknown, and the surviving residents of Woodbury had been invited to join Rick’s group at the prison.
Make sure to check out our full recap ofThe Walking Dead‘s third season if you need a refresher.
WHAT DID YOU THINK of the season four premiere of The Walking Dead?
The season starts off with Rick digging up a gun from the field outside of the prison. He takes the ammo out and throws both pieces into a wheelbarrow. They are raising pigs on the farm for food and Carl named one of them, which Rick does not approve of as they will be eating them soon. With the arrival of the people from Woodbury, it seems that a big community has been set up at the prison and everyone has different roles to help out.
Carol tells Daryl that she won’t be able to spare many people for his food run as there was a big buildup of walkers outside the fence overnight.
Glenn and Maggie wake up together in bed and he tells her he doesn’t think she should go on the run. Tyreese tells Karen that he thinks he will go on the run that day as he doesn’t like killing the walkers outside of the fence. He doesn’t like being face to face with them. They share a kiss.
Beth shares a kiss with a new character who is about to head out on the run. Sasha is about to head out on the run and a new character asks her if he can come along as he wants to pull his weight.
Michonne comes back to the prison and brings back some comic books for Carl. She then heads out with Daryl to go check out some things outside the fence.
Rick goes out to check on the snares he set up to catch animals. He finds an animal trapped and is about to go get it, but then a woman who looks like a walker appears next to the animal. She notices Rick and asks him for help. She asks him to help her bring the animal to her husband as they haven’t eaten in days. He gives her something from his bag instead. She asks if he has a camp and when he says yes, she asks if her and her husband can join them. Rick says he needs to meet her husband first and ask him some questions.
Back at the prison, Carl condemns some small children for calling some walkers by names.
Daryl, Michonne, Tyreese, Sasha, and some others check out a convenience store that they previously sweeped of walkers. The parking lot looks like there are no more walkers, but when they go inside the store, the camera zooms out and we see the roof contains a swarm of them.
The man who has asked Sasha to go on the run contemplates taking a bottle of wine while inside the store. He ultimately decides to put it back on the shelf, but the shelf breaks and the entire case falls over and onto him. This awakes the walkers who are on the ceiling and they start walking around. The roof starts caving in and walkers start falling into the store. In their escape, the man who was kissing Beth gets bit by a walker and they aren’t able to save him.
Rick is led by the woman to her camp. We find out that her husband is really a walker that she has restrained and she takes a big knife and tries to kill Rick. He is able to stop her attack and she takes the knife and stabs herself. While dying, she asks Rick what the three questions would have been for her husband. They are: How many walkers did you kill? How many people have you killed? And why?
Back at the prison, Carol is having a storytime with the children and then decides to have a lesson on how to fight a walker with a knife. Carl comes in and sees what is happening and she asks him not to tell Rick.
Tyreese comes back and tells Karen that he can’t go back out there on the runs. Maggie tells Glenn that she is not pregnant. Daryl tells Beth that her boyfriend Zack is dead and she seems to handle it pretty well. She tells Daryl that she doesn’t cry anymore and that she is just glad that she got to know him.
A teenage boy who is living in the prison was in Carol’s storytime session and asked to be dismissed when the knife lesson started. We later see him at night and he looks to be very ill. He goes to the bathroom and starts to take a shower, but collapses. He then reanimates into a walker.
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