Dec 16, 2013

Jessica Simpson: It Gets “Old” Being Bashed Over Weight, Haters Motivate Me

Jessica Simpson is tired of people focusing on the weight she’s gained with her pregnancies — but she’s now proud to show off all that she’s lost.
“It does get old having people harping on how much you weigh or your body after pregnancy,” says the mom of two, noting, “People are going to pick me apart no matter what I do. I’m always going to have critics out there who will make a story out of something.”
But Simpson is now using the scrutiny as motivation to “be the best version of myself and to feel great.”
She tells USA Today, “People are going to talk about this no matter what. I might as well choose to live a healthy lifestyle.”
Of course, the singer finds inspiration at home, too, in “almost-husband” Eric Johnson and their kids Maxwell and Ace.
“I want to be a great mom and a great example to my kids,” says Simpson, who admits that “being pregnant for two years took a toll.”
Simpson says that she was more health-conscious during her second go-round, and is now actively dropping the pounds with the help of Weight Watchers, exercise, and, well, everyday life.
“With both kids, I’m running up and down my stairs a million times. Kids can keep your metabolism going,” she says. ”Eric and I go on walks together. I try and walk about 4 miles a day consistently. It makes me feel better.”
The former reality star confesses that Johnson is ”basically my therapist on our walks,” and further tells the paper, “I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have Eric with me and by my side, and he’s an unbelievable dad.”
Simpson says she’s starting to look at sketches and color schemes for their eventual wedding — but what about expanding their family a third time?
“I can’t even think about being pregnant again right now,” she says, before adding, ”I would never say never.”