Dec 13, 2013

Pitbull: 'Timber' Was Intended For Rihanna!

Rihanna flashes a smile and waves to photographers as she steps into her car on Thursday (December 12) in New York City.

The 25-year-old entertainer was spotted leaving a photoshoot with new straight long black hair before heading off to a late night dinner with best gal pal Melissa Forde.

Pitbull recently revealed that his hit single “Timber” with Ke$ha was originally intended for RiRi.

“That is an ironic situation there,” Pitbull said in an interview on Kid Kraddick In The Morning. “The person we were looking at first to work on that record was 
actually Rihanna and Rihanna had something she had to do with Shakira, so she wasn’t able to work on our record.”

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