Oct 7, 2015

Beyonce And Jay Z “Sham Marriage” Ending In Divorce?

Beyonce and Jay Z are NOT stuck in a “sham marriage” that’s soon to end in a divorce, despite a new tabloid claim. Extreme Entertainment can exclusively bust this story. We’re told the whole thing is “ridiculous.”
According to the National Enquirer, the music superstars were “literally signatures away from a divorce” just a months ago, but decided to call off the separation after the media got wind of it. A so-called “source” tells the tabloid, “They didn’t want the media to be right. For them, it’s about control and keeping the media, their fans, their family – and everyone else – off track.”
The woefully ill-informed “insider” further claims the couple has “lived apart for a little while.” On Tuesday, however, it was revealed that Beyonce and Jay Z just signed a one-year lease to rent a $45 million home in Los Angeles for $150,000 a month. That’s $1.8 million a year.
Couples on the verge of breaking up don’t spend nearly $2 million just to outwit the media. Additionally, the specious “source,” who fed the tabloid the story, is seemingly unaware that as soon as one party files for divorce, the clock stops on a slew of financial issues, meaning there’s millions of more reasons to end a marriage than to trick a few journalists.