Jun 5, 2016

Jack Black NOT Dead, Victim Of Death Hoax

Jack Black is not dead. The actor and one-half of Tenacious D was a victim of a death hoax by someone who hacked the group’s Twitter account. His rep exclusively tells Extreme Entertainment, “Black is alive and well.”
In the early morning hours of Sunday, a message on the Tenacious D account read, “I’m sad to officially annouce the death of Jack Black at the age of 46, rest in peace brother.” That was followed up by another tweet that said, “#RipJackBlack.” And a third message stated, “It is with a heavy heart I am to announce that Jack Black passed away last night at 3:37am. The cause of death is yet unknown.”
After there was concern that Black was really dead, and a number of outlets published that the comedic actor may have died, another message popped up on the Tenacious C account that read, “Calm down guys! It’s just a prank bro, look there’s the camera.” “The Legend is still alive, it is ok guys :),” another tweet assured fans. And then the perpetrator of the hoax wrote, “While you are all on Twitter, you should all follow me @Ruthless” That account has since been suspended, and the death hoax tweets have been deleted.
On Tenacious D’s official Facebook page, the group clarified, “The news being reported is a hoax.” Additionally, his rep tells Extreme Entertainment “we have regained control over the page.Extreme Entertainment sincerely wishes these death hoaxes would, for lack of a better phrase, die out.

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