Jun 1, 2016

Matt Lauer Getting Fired From ‘Today’ Show?

NBC is not plotting to fire Matt Lauer from the “Today” show, despite a fabricated tabloid report.Extreme Entertainment can exclusively correct this claim. We’re told it’s “complete garbage.”
According to In Touch, network executives feel Lauer is too expensive, and it isn’t financially beneficial to keep him around any longer. A so-called “insider” tells the tabloid, “Matt’s paid a lot of money, upwards of $20 million a year. They just don’t want to continue to give that kind of huge paycheck to one person anymore.
The magazine’s seemingly phony source further claims that co-anchor Willie Geist is “being groomed to take over for Matt,” and NBC is supposedly eager to replace Lauer because Geist “has a boyish enthusiasm, while Matt can come across as a bit aloof.” The outlet’s alleged “network insider” goes on to say that producers will spin Lauer’s exit to make it look like he’s voluntarily retiring, but in reality, “They’re dumping him.” “Matt’s run is over,” concludes the questionable source.
However, Extreme Entertainment checked in with a very reliable source close to the situation, who exclusively assures us there’s simply no plan to give Lauer the boot, and the tabloid’s report is “complete garbage.” We’re further told the TV newsman “is the best in the business, and the ‘Today Show’ will have him in the anchor chair for as long as he wants to stay in it.”

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