Jun 8, 2016

Melissa McCarthy Was A ‘Diva’ On ‘Ghostbusters’ Set, Feuded With Cast?

Melissa McCarthy did NOT act like a “diva” on the set of the upcoming Ghostbusters reboot, nor did she feud with the other cast members, despite a fabricated tabloid report. Extreme Entertainment can bust this claim. We’re told it’s “completely untrue.”
According to Star, McCarthy’s supposed ego caused a tense environment on the set of the sci-fi comedy. A so-called “source” tells the tabloid, “Melissa was a total diva. She’d require specific food, coffee, room temperature, you name it.” The tabloid’s alleged insider further claims the actress’s co-stars Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones became “fed up” with her alleged attitude.
“And all that frostiness comes through on screen,” says the magazine’s dubious source. “The cast has zero chemistry, and the film is already getting bad buzz.” The outlet’s unreliable insider also claims McCarthy and the cast “are being real brats about doing promotion. It’s like they all realize it’s going to bomb and just want to forget it’s happening.”
Interestingly enough, Wednesday, June 8, which is when this bogus article was published, happens to be “Ghostbusters Day,” which marks the 32nd anniversary of the release of the original 1984 film. To celebrate, McCarthy and her co-stars will be appearing on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” along with the cast of the original movie. Additionally, the entire reboot cast visited the “Ellen DeGeneres Show” last month, and are also featured on the July cover ofElle. And the publicity tour is just getting started for the movie, which hit theaters in a little more than a month. Obviously, the tabloid’s claim that the actresses are refusing to promote the film is blatantly untrue.
Regardless, Extreme Entertainment checked in with a source close to the situation, who assures us that McCarthy was nothing but professional and kind on the Ghostbusters set. We’re also told the entire cast had a great time making the film, as well as promoting it, and are all good friends. The magazine’s entire account is simply made-up.

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