Mar 7, 2012

Rihanna, Justin Bieber & More Celebs Tweet ‘Kony 2012′ Video

See what your favorite celebs have been saying about the rapidly growing ‘Stop Kony’ movement.

If this is the first time you’re reading the name Joseph Kony, you probably haven’t spent too much time on Twitter in the past 24 hours. OprahRihannaJustin Bieber and virtually every other celebrity on the planet has been tweeting about the Ugandan terrorist, who is now the subject of a 27-minute film produced by Invisible Children Inc. Directed by Jason Russell, the viral sensation is actually a campaign to “raise support for [Joseph Kony's] arrest and set a precedent for international justice.”

Here’s what celebrities are saying about ‘Kony 2012,’ and the ‘Stop Kony’ movement in general:

Nina Dobrev: “I’m going to ask EVERY PERSON WHO FOLLOWS ME to Please watch this video. Its incredibly important, I know that every one of you will be effected by its message. I wont even have to ask you to RT because I know you will. #stopkony and save the children. I’ve got close to 1.9 Million followers, if you all watch this and help in the smallest way it will make the BIGGEST LIFE SAVING DIFFERENCE.”
Ian Somerhalder: “thank you @ninadobrev! I Just watched this. IF there is 1 thing you do today: PLS WATCH THIS & RT – it just changed my world.”
Rihanna: “#KONY2012 Spread the word!!! PLEASE go to Even if its 10 minutes… Trust me, you NEED to know about this! #1LOVE”
Oprah: “Thanks tweeps for sending me info about ending #LRAviolence . I am aware. Have supported with $’s and voice and will not stop.#KONY2012.”
Kylie Jenner: “Everyone needs to watch this. RT this please.”
Jon Chu (retweeted by Justin Bieber): “#Kony2012 is number 1 trending topic on Twitter worldwide!! See why… It might change ur life.”

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