May 28, 2012

Celebrities Honor Soldiers on Memorial Day

It’s Memorial Day, and celebrities are taking to Twitter to honor the men and women who bravely fought and sacrificed for our country throughout the years, as well as those currently serving in the military.
Check out what they’re saying here.
Neil Patrick Harris: “A heartfelt thank you to all of the men and women who serve(d) in our military. What you did, and continue to do, is awesome.”
Justin Timberlake: “Thank you to the men and women who have and continue to serve and protect our freedom. I will now drink to you! #HappyMemorialDay”
Mandy Moore: “Thank you to all the men and women who have served and continue to serve our country. Happy Memorial Day. #gratitude #pride.”
Alyssa Milano: “To all the men and women who have sacrificed for our freedom…thank you! I appreciate you! #ThankAVet #MemorialDay.”
Dane Cook: “Deep respect for those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice while serving our country this Memorial Day. My pop served in Korea. #veterans
Samantha Ronson: “sending love to all those who are serving their country today and to the families who struggle without them.”
Keri Hilson: “Happy Memorial Day! Be safe & remember those who fought & those who fell for the freedoms we enjoy today.”
Pitbull: “Happy Memorial Day and 2 all who have served and sacrificed, thank u!”
Nicki Minaj: “Salute the troops.”
Carson Daly: “Thank you to all troops who serve(d) in any of our Armed Services. Because you are brave, we are free. Happy #memorialday.”
Denise Richards: “On this Memorial Day my thoughts are with the brave men & women who’ve lost their lives serving our country.”
Bill Rancic: “Thank you to all the brave men & woman who have served our country & those who continue to serve! May God Bless you & keep you safe.”
Randy Jackson: “Happy Memorial Day to all, and thank you to those who have served our country! You rock!”
Paula Abdul: “‘No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.’ -Calvin Coolidge #HappyMemorialDay.”
Michael Phelps: “Thanks to all of the men and women who serve and protect us!!! Happy Memorial Day!!!”
John Stamos: “My heart goes out to the fine woman and men in our military – past and present. (and their families) thank you for our freedom. peace.”
Marlee Matlin: “Memorial Day Weekend here in US. Cookouts, road trips, family fun. But let’s not forget the service men & women who died. Honor them.”
Jon Favreau: “Thanks to our fallen heroes on this #memorialday.”
Hank Baskett: “My family & I are thankful of all those that have served & continue to serve today!! Our freedoms come from your sacrifices! #blessedbcofyou.”
Kristin Chenoweth: “Thank you to my cousin for serving our country! I love you Robert Birdsall!”
Victoria Justice: “Remembering all our soldiers that have fought 4 our country that r no longer with us & thank u 2 the 1′s that r still fighting.#MemorialDay.”
Larry King: “Today is the most important holiday. It causes us to reflect about the horror of war. You can never do enough for those who have served.”
Ellen DeGeneres: “I’m grateful to the men and women in uniform. Especially the ones in camouflage uniform. They get left out a lot, cause they’re hard to see.”
JWoww: “As much as I hope you’re all having a blast on your days off, I hope you take a moment to remember our troops – that’s what this day is really about!”
Bethenny Frankel: “I’m taking a moment to think about the real meaning of today & express my gratitude.”
Rose McGowan: “To all of those who have fought or are still fighting, I APPRECIATE YOU! #Memorialday #neverforget.”