Jun 15, 2012

Police Investigating Possible Gunshots During Chris Brown and Drake Club Brawl

Investigators are looking into whether shots were fired during the huge club brawl involving Chris Brown and Drake’s entourage.
The massive fight atW.i.P. in New York early Thursday morning left at least eight people — including Brown, his bodyguard and NBA starTony Parker — injured, and the NYPD is now investigating some witnesses’ claims of hearing gunfire amid the chaos.
It’s been established that bottles were used as weapons during the melee, including the one that left a gash on Brown’s face.
But it was not until Friday that police indicated the possibility of gunplay.
However, Gossip Cop’s eyewitness was adamant (and relieved) that he had heard no shots during the fight, and based on what we’ve heard, there’s no reason to believe guns were part of the fracas.
As of now, there’s been no confirmation of any gunfire, nor were any of the reported injuries the result of a shooting.
Earlier, Jonathan Cantor, the manager of W.i.P., was arrested on unrelated chargesbut will likely be providing information to the police as they continue to investigate the brawl.
The reason for the fight remains unclear, and both sides have denied any wrongdoing.

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