Jun 15, 2012

CLAIM: Rihanna & Chris Brown “All Over” Each Other at 40/40 Club After Drake Fight

Rihanna Stands By Her Man, Consoles Chris Brown Night Of The Fight,” blares a headline from RadarOnline.
The webloid reports in an “exclusive” that “it looks like Chris Brown got the woman,” because afterthe brawl with Drake at W.i.P., Rihanna “spent Thursday night with Chris.”
A so-called “insider” tells the site, “Chris and Rihanna hung out at Jay-Z’s 40/40 Club all night and… she tended to him, making sure the gash on his chin from the fight was okay.”
RadarOnline’s supposed “source” goes on to tell the gullible blog that “Rihanna was all over Chris while in the private room at the nightclub in New York City.”
As if the site didn’t dig itself into a deep enough hole, it adds, “RadarOnline.com can definitely confirm the two were together last night, when the Forever singe needed him most.”
Maybe RadarOnline should look up the words “definitely” and “confirmed,” as well as pick up a pair of glasses and/or better sources because Brown was definitely not at 40/40 on Thursday night with Rihanna.
Multiple individuals involved with the club tell Gossip Cop the report is simply not true.
We’re told “just Rihanna” was at 40/40.
A rep for Brown also tells us the story is “completely not true.”

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