Sep 24, 2012

CLAIM: Robert Pattinson Gives ‘Ultimatum’ to Kristen Stewart – Marry Me Or It’s Over

At this point, it’s difficult for an outlet to bring new levels of absurdity to speculation about Robert Pattinson andKristen Stewart.
So we need to congratulate the Daily Starfor doing the trick with a bizarre, completely illogical bit of sensationalized nonsense that HollywoodLife and other webloids were only too happy to spread.
According to the story, first published over the weekend, Pattinson “wants to tie the knot” with Stewart “in an attempt to save their relationship.”
“The stud has agreed to give her one last chance under the conditions she ‘truly commits to him,’” explains the Daily Star.
Citing “friends close to the pair,” the outlet claims Pattinson has “agreed to give their relationship one more try so long as she considers marrying him.”
A so-called “source” tells the Daily Star, “He is desperate to make it work and wants to give her another chance but not unless she proves she really wants it too.”
Pattinson has therefore allegedly “issued the ultimatum — marriage or it’s over.”
Let that sink in.
The Daily Star is claiming that Pattinson, hurt by Stewart’s indiscretion with directorRupert Sanders, is now forcing her to marry him to prove her fidelity.
Even though the couple was not close to marrying before the scandal broke, and even though Pattinson has moved with deliberate caution in reconciling, the tabloid wants everyone to believe that he suddenly thinks the best way to resolve their issues is by leaping into a cheating-induced engagement.
Because the best way to make a shaky relationship healthy is by… dramatically raising the stakes?
This makes zero sense.
Extremes sell, which is why the tabs and webloids keep swinging from “they’re definitely over forever” to “they’re getting married” and back again, because the truth is often inconveniently boring.
While it must be nice for the Daily Star to print wild, random speculation from “sources” (and for HollywoodLife to leap on the bandwagon and write that a “wedding may not be too far in the future!”), fans and observers should not take the bait.
Gossip Cop is told the latest round of “marriage” talk is “absolutely ridiculous.”

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