Sep 19, 2012

MAG: Khloe Kardashian Thinks Family Hates, Exploits and Abandons Her

Khloe Kardashian thinks she’s hated by her family, and that sisters Kim andKourtney — as well as mom Kris Jenner — are “abandoning” her, according to Star magazine.
The tabloid’s “insiders” say Kardashian believes the other women are “rarely keeping her in the loop about their fashion empire, excluding her from their reality show and not being sympathetic about her fertility problems.”
Star even says that Jenner “appears to be capitalizing on Khloe’s misfortune to advance her own, avaricious agenda.”

A so-called “source” tells the magazine, “Kris sank so low as to suggest that Kim get pregnant in order to hurt Khloe and create tension in the family for ratings.”
“Khloe has been a wreck over not being able to get pregnant, and Kris hasn’t been there for Khloe in the least,” explains the Star source.
Meanwhile, Khloe “feels abandoned” by Kim and Kourtney, “because they are too wrapped up in their own lives to give her the time of day.”
The tab says they’re “even ditching Khloe” when they make “Kourtney & Kim Take Miami,” allegedly “choosing to not ask her to appear.”
Star’s “source” explains, “Kourtney is into her own family, Kim is all about Kanye and determined to branch out on her own business-wise, and Kris’ main concern is planning for Kim, since she is the moneymaker of the family.”
Lamar Odom is also giving his wife “the brush-off,” says the magazine.
“Since signing with the Los Angeles Clippers, he’s been putting all his energy into basketball,” says the outlet’s know-it-all. “Khloe feels completely betrayed and isolated in every way from everyone in her family.”
This is ABSURD.
All of it — ridiculous.
Kardashian WILL be appearing on her sisters’ new Miami show, meaning the only specificdetail offered in the Star piece is 100% false.
And Kardashian’s fertility problems have been featured prominently on “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” — and elsewhere — and the idea that the rest of the family ignores her struggles is patently untrue.
Meanwhile, if Kourtney did not spend time with her own children, or Kim did not spend time with West, it’s fair to assume Star would be writing stories about trouble in thoserelationships.
Instead, the tab is forced to turn those dynamics into a negative, insisting that Khloe’s been “abandoned.”
A source close to the Kardashians tells Gossip Cop the mag’s claims about Khloe being shut out from the family are completely FALSE.
Of course, the tab’s latest wrong report is not surprising, considering the outlet has repeatedly printed salaciouscompletely untrue stories about the Kardashians.

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