Sep 19, 2012

Mila Kunis Worried Ashton Kutcher Will Stray… With Miley Cyrus?

Mila Kunis has a message forMiley Cyrus: Keep your hands off my man!” blares a story fromStar, which claims Kunis is “seething with jealousy” that Cyrus is guest-starringon Ashton Kutchers “Two and a Half Men.”
According to a purported “insider” for the tabloid, “She’s concerned that with Ashton’s checkered cheating history, he could easily fall prey to Miley’s charms.”

“Fall prey to Miley’s charms”? She’s an actress — who’s engaged — not a hired seductress.
Anyhow, the mag’s “source” says Kunis is “taking precautions by setting some ground rules for her philandering beau,” such as forbidding any “extracurricular partying or socializing with Miley” and demanding “no flirty texts or emails back and forth.”
And that’s not the end of Kunis’ supposed CIA-type surveillance of the pair.
She also warned Kutcher that she’ll be “making regular drop-in visits to the set to make sure he and Miley are on their best professional behavior.”
It’s quite possible Kunis will miss Cyrus on those “regular” drop-ins, since the singer-actress is only doing a two-episode stint on the show.
Also, Cyrus is playing Angus T. Jones’ character’s love interest on the sitcom, so she’ll likely have little screen time with Kutcher.
And we repeat — she is engaged to Liam Hemsworth.
In any case, a source close to Kunis tells Gossip Cop everything about the Star story is “ridiculous.”

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