Sep 19, 2012

WATCH: Lady Gaga Smokes Pot on Stage in Amsterdam, Talks About Love for Weed

Lady Gaga smoked marijuana and sang its praises on stage in Amsterdam on Monday.
The singer happily ditched her burqa and “c**t” bag for some weed when a member of the audience tossed a joint her way.
“Ahh… thank you!” said an appreciate Gaga, asking, “Holland, is it real? Don’t tease me.”

Taking a sniff, she determined it was, in fact, the genuine article.
She lit up to the crowd’s delight.
Later, Gaga was quoted as telling the Little Monsters in attendance, “I thought [Amsterdam] would be an appropriate place to discuss… being a cannabis smoker, because I have decided that I want you to know the truth, which is that it has totally changed my life, and that I’ve really cut down on drinking.”
She added, “It’s been a totally spiritual experience for me with my music.”
Check out the video below!


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