May 26, 2013

Amanda Bynes Disses “Ugly” Rihanna: Chris Brown “Beat You Because You’re Not Pretty Enough”

Amanda Bynesdissed Rihanna on Sunday in a jaw-dropping Twitter rant suggesting the singer was beaten by Chris Brown for not being “pretty enough.”
See the screenshots below.
The troubled actress, whose last few days have beeneventful (to say the least), first tweeted, “@Rihanna you look so ugly tryin to be white.”
Then she got even nastier.
@Rihanna Chris brown beat you because you’re not pretty enough,” wrote Bynes.
She continued, “@Rihanna no one wants to be your lover so you call everyone and their mother that I almost named my new dog Rihanna.”
Moments later, Rihanna tweeted, “Ya see what happens when they cancel Intervention?
Bynes then shot back, “unlike ur fugly faced self I don’t do drugs! U need the intervention dog! I met ur ugly face in person! U aren’t pretty u know it!
Stay tuned.

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