May 5, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Tells Piers Morgan: “Sending Me to Rehab is Pointless”

Lindsay Lohan sat down with Piers Morgan last month — before she entered the Betty Ford Center for a 90-day stint in rehab — and the actress had had some interesting comments about drinking, drugs, and rehab.
The actress says she had her first drink at 17, and that her mom Dina “made me sleep with vomit still on me so I’d understand how it felt. I didn’t drink again throughout high school. I was too scared!”
“I’ve never been a huge drinker. I’ve never woken up in the morning and had a drink,” she adds.
As for cocaine, Lohan says, “Everyone thinks I’ve done it so many times. But I’ve only done it maybe four or five times in my life,” but during those handful of times, “I got caught twice.”
She also admits she’s smoked pot and done “ecstasy… I liked  that better than the others.”
While she claims she’s not a big drinker or drug user, Lohan says after six stints, “I could write the book on rehab.”
Lohan feels, however, “Constantly sending me to rehab is pointless.”
“I think there are other things I could do instead of going to  a rehab center that would benefit  me more,” she says. “The best thing they could  do for me would be to make me go  abroad to different countries and work with children.”
The future?
“I want to work for a year and then eventually settle down and have children and a husband,” says Lohan.

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