Tamra Barney reveals some shocking revelations about her past on this week’s episode of theReal Housewives of Orange County. Tamra was asked to deliver the keynote speech, meant to empower women, for the L.A. Women’s Expo and she seems genuinely vulnerable and emotional, so unlike the brash mean girl we are so used to seeing.
Standing on the stage in a tight red dress and with her voice shaking, she confesses that growing up in her house she has no memory of ever being told she was loved by her parents and looked for love in all the wrong places, getting pregnant at the age of 17 and divorced and left a single mother by age 21. She then goes on to say that she made her first suicide attempt at 21 by swallowing a bunch of her mom’s prescription pills and then being admitted into a mental hospital.
Pretty heavy stuff and she says that she never knew how to express her emotions and this basically makes her a very angry woman who cannot control her screaming outbursts, which she is now desperately trying to overcome once and for all. Her basic message being that if she can come through a divorce, rebuild her life and now be a successful business owner anyone can.
Elsewhere, we see Vicki Gunvalson bringing lunch to her apparently on-again boyfriend Brooks Ayers house (which is only five miles from her house, but apparently still too far for Vicki) and as they are eating lunch they discuss how they don’t want to not be in each others lives just because Vicki’s family doesn’t approve. Brooks then asks Vicki if he can take her away to a romantic hotel for the upcoming weekend and she declines saying she has already committed to traveling to San Diego to babysit for her grandson Troy while her daughter Briana and son-in-law Ryan attend the Marine Ball and try to have fun before Ryan is deployed back to Afghanistan.
She asks if they can reschedule for the following weekend but Brooks says he cannot because he is going to visit his kids back in Mississippi. A sad looking Vicki asks if she can have a rain check and he so gentlemanly says “Maybe, if you’re nice.”
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