Jun 3, 2013

Teresa Giudice Invites Governor Christie For Dinner! — Exclusive

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently bashed The Real Housewives of New Jersey, so what does Teresa Giudice think about the swipe?
Only RumorFix can tell you.
The governor said that “The Real Housewives is the same way (as Jersey Shore). Those shows are entertainment, and I don’t find them very entertaining, but they’re entertainment for folks. It’s not what New Jersey really is like.”
He continued,  “What I say to people is watch what they’ve seen in the last seven months on the news shows about the way the people from New Jersey have responded to the storm and how they’ve lifted each other up. They’ve worked hard to help rebuild their state. Those are the real people.”
We reached out to New Jersey’s most famous Housewife for a comment on being told she isn’t a “real” person from New Jersey. Teresa exclusively told our Real Mr. Housewife, “He could come over for dinner and he can see how real we really are!” She then ended with her signature “Xx.”

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