Sep 6, 2013

Andy Cohen & Sean Avery Engaged?

Former NHL player Sean Avery and Bravo’s Andy Cohen have taken so many pictures together they could put together a photo album.
But does that mean they are engaged?

A gossip website called Fame Driven started the rumor earlier this week:
“I’m not sure if you are aware or not but Andy Cohen has been dating former NHL star Sean Avery for almost a year and a half now, it will be two years in March. And get this, they are secretly ENGAGED! There have been rumors for years in the NHL league about Sean Avery’s sexuality, but he has always vehemently denied it, Sean even went as far as to “date” a beard girlfriend (Elisha Cuthbert), who he was never even remotely into, to cover up him receiving backlash from his NHL teammates and internally in the NHL for being gay.”
 Never missing an opportunity to joke around, Andy issued a response on Facebook on Wednesday: “How’d they find out!?!” Sean also joked about it tweeting “#Busted.”
Now that we got all the fiction out of the way — let’s deal with the facts.
Sean Avery is NOT gay. He has been a longtime advocate for gay rights. Avery was the first NHL player to speak out in favor of marriage equality in New York and was the catalyst for  campaigns like “You Can Play.” He also was on the board of Athlete Ally, “a group of straight athletes devoted to eradicating homophobia in sports.”
Andy is openly gay and single. And, the two men are merely engaged in a longstanding and playful romance.

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