Apr 9, 2015

Kristen Stewart On Awkward Cesar Win: It Was “Embarrassing, Ridiculous” (VIDEO)

Kristen Stewart recently became the first American woman to win a Cesar Award, but she has no problem admitting the history-making experience was nothing short of awkward. Watch below!
As Extreme Entertainment reported, Stewart won the prestigious award in February at France’s equivalent of the Oscars for her work in Clouds of Sils Maria, which is just finally hitting theaters in the United States this week. But with the whole ceremony in French, Stewart was more than a little confused… and bored. Reflecting on the event on Wednesday’s “Conan,” the actress revealed that she was wearing an ear piece for translation, but it unfortunately stopped working after just 30 minutes.
She then zoned out to the point where she had no idea her category had come up, or that she had even won, until co-star Juliette Binoche began screaming at her. “I had fallen asleep with my eyes open, basically,” confessed Stewart. But that wasn’t even the most uncomfortable part. When the stunned star took the stage to accept, a language barrier with the presenter led to a rather tense interaction.
Stewart tried to convey that she was too nervous to hold her trophy, leading the presenter to slam it down on the podium. She told Conan, “I think I upset him, honestly,” and went on to explain, “I was just really nervous, and I could not open my hands. I was atrophied completely, which is embarrassing [and] ridiculous.”
Nevertheless, Stewart looked back on the project fondly, and had only the highest of praise for Binoche in her chat with Conan, who amusingly shared how he himself connected to their film. The best part, however, might’ve been the host’s reaction after Stewart brought tampons into the discussion. Check out the videos below!

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