Oct 7, 2015

Steve-O Sentenced To Jail, Will Be Held In “Captivity” Over SeaWorld Stunt (PHOTO)

Steve-O was sentenced to 30 days in Los Angeles County Jail on Wednesday, nearly two months after he was arrested for climbing a crane as a part of a SeaWorld protest.
As Extreme Entertainment reported, the “Jackass” star climbed a 100-foot construction crane on Los Angeles’ Santa Monica Boulevard in early August, blowing up a whale float with the words “SeaWorld Sucks” written on it, and setting off fireworks. More than 80 firefighters were called to the scene, initially unaware that it was a stunt and not a person truly in a dangerous emergency. Officials slammed the star for wasting police resources, and he was hit with several charges.
Now Steve-O will be spending a month behind bars, something he finds meaningful irony in. He wrote on Instagram, “I just got sentenced to 30 days in LA County jail, and this is what I have to say about it: ‘Considering I’ve become a clean and sober, dog-rescuing vegan, I must say I’m ready to go to jail– not just because it will bring so much attention to the plight of orcas in captivity, but because it’s nice to let people know I haven’t lost my edge. What can I say, I’m a jackass.'”
The former MTV star went on, “My whole crane-climbing, fireworks debacle really turned out to be pretty meaningful in the end, too. I mean, if your goal is to make a statement about captivity, you may as well get yourself locked up!” Steve-O further noted that “to help give back to the City of Los Angeles,” he’s “launched a campaign today to raise money for at-risk, inner city youth, by raffling off chances to win an all-expenses-paid trip to be my red carpet, VIP guest at the taping of my Showtime comedy special next month.”
The show is appropriately titled “Steve-O: Guilty As Charged.” Steve-O added in his post, “Los Angeles, I love you, thank you for everything!” Included were comic book-like photos of himself in jail with a whale in the next cell (see below). “I was trying to help set you free, and I got in trouble,” the Steve-O character says. The orca replies, “When you get out, would you tell my mom I miss her?”
Steve-O has been an anti-SeaWorld advocate for a number of years now. As Extreme Entertainment previously noted, he was cited and fined for changing a San Diego highway sign last year to read “SeaWorld Sucks.” TELL US: What do you think of Steve-O being sentenced to jail and his perspective on the punishment?

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