May 26, 2016

Alisan Porter “Today” Show Video: “The Voice” Winner Praises Christina Aguilera

Alisan Porter praised Christina Aguilera on Thursday’s “Today” show, giving the coach credit for helping her win “The Voice.” Check out the video below!
As Extreme Entertainment reported, Porter’s victory on the season 10 finale earlier this week made Aguilera the first winning female coach in the history of the NBC competition. And while it was Porter who got on stage to sing each and every week, the former child actress doesn’t think she would’ve come out on top without the superstar’s guidance. Porter now said of Aguilera, “She’s so awesome to me.”
“From day one we just had bond,” Porter went on. “It just kept getting stronger and stronger, and for us, really, I feel like we won it together. You can tell when we’re being psychotic and jumping like lunatics. We were really freaking.”
Indeed, the Curly Sue star said she was truly “shocked” by her victory on Tuesday night. “I did not think that was going to happen. That’s 100 percent genuine,” she insisted of her reaction to the results announcement.
So, what’s next? “Start to make a record, play a bunch of shows, and just do what I came to do, which is be in the music business,” Porter said. Watch the full interview below!

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