May 26, 2016

Kanye West, Kim Kardashian Threaten To Sue Bodyguard For $10 Million

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are threatening to sue bodyguard Steve Stanulis for $10 million over allegedly violating a confidentiality agreement.
As Extreme Entertainment has reported, Stanulis has been talking to the media about supposedly being “fired” by West for talking to Kardashian. He has made a number of incendiary claims about the couple and their marriage to the point where In Touch heavily relied on an interview with him as the basis for a recent false cover story about the stars getting divorced. But, as Extreme Entertainment reported, Stanulis was not actually part of West and Kardashian’s personal security team.
He was merely an independent contractor hired as extra help by a third party on approximately two occasions. And for those events, he was required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. But because Stanulis keeps making outrageous claims in various interviews, West and Kardashian are now considering legal action if he doesn’t issue a public apology.
“The West Family will no longer tolerate the spreading and selling of fake stories in a desperate, transparent and shameless attempt for publicity at their expense,” a rep for West tells Extreme Entertainment. Referring to Stanulis, the spokesperson goes on, “This sad, parasitic maniac has violated every basic human tenant of decency with his story of lies. As such, the Wests will explore all legal means at their disposal to silence this nonsense.”
Should Stanulis not comply with the couple’s legal letter, West and Kardashian have vowed to sue him for $10 million, in accordance to the confidentiality agreement’s punishment policy. But, as he’s done at least five media interviews, he could be on the hook for $50 million. Additionally, Extreme Entertainment has learned some new details that further call Stanulis’ credibility into question.
While he claims to have been Leonardo DiCaprio’s bodyguard, as it turns out, he actually worked for the actor on a single instance more than 15 years ago. And it seems Stanulis’ main goal is achieving attention for himself and jump-starting his own Hollywood career. In fact, his Twitter account links to an IMBD page, and he’s hired a publicist.
Extreme Entertainment is told Stanulis has developed a reputation for selling stories to the press for financial gain and publicity, and there is no evidence he has steadily worked for any notable celeb in recent years. We’ve also discovered that Kardashian and West have documentary evidence showing there was no incidents between them, and that Stanulis even thanked their head of security for the job.
Now he’s trying to sell a very different story. Extreme Entertainment will have updates.

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