Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe did a funny interview together that aired on Tuesday’s “Today” show. Watch below!
The two actors currently appear in the new movie The Nice Guys, and they were joined for the chat by co-star Matt Bomer and director-screenwriter Shane Black. “I remember seeing when Russ went from Gladiator to The Insider,” Gosling shared. “It totally changed my idea of what acting could be, because I had never seen that kind of about-face from one role to another.”
The chemistry between the leading men was evident, particularly when Gosling joked about Crowe, “You’re also not supposed to look him in the eye. We learned that the hard way. He takes it as a sign of aggression.” And Black revealed that it was Gosling’s participation that led Crowe to agree to do the film.
Of casting Bomer as the film’s villain, Black amusingly said, “There’s an old-world movie star look to him, and I thought, oh that’s just perfect for a [character] that’s an absolute sociopath.” Bomer quipped in response to the awkward compliment, “That’s why I love him.”
“You can’t take your eyes away from him when he’s on screen,” Black went on. “I mean, I’m having trouble not looking at him at this moment.” It should be noted that Gosling and Crowe were absolutely cracking up at this exchange, further showing the camaraderie between all of them.
More laughs followed with discussions of stunts and crying at The Notebook. Check out the whole segment below!
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