Jun 13, 2016

Kacey Musgraves Slammed For Gun Tweets On Orlando Nightclub Shooting

Kacey Musgraves suggested on Twitter following the Orlando mass shooting that arming every American would help solve the nation’s gun violence problem. The country star later deleted her tweet following a barrage of criticism from her fans and followers.
Forty-nine people were killed, and another 50 injured, when gunman Omar Mateen opened fire inside gay nightclub Pulse early Sunday morning. The tragedy is being considered an act of terrorism, as well as a hate crime, and has once again stirred America’s ongoing debate over gun control. When the news initially broke, Musgraves tweeted, “Crying as I read about Orlando. I can’t believe it. I don’t understand. And especially at such a happy place!? Feeling sick.”
But shortly later, the country singer added her controversial opinon that America should “go back to saloon days where every muthafu**a is carryin a revolver and anyone walking in to disturb the peace might maybe think twice.” Many of Musgraves followers slammed her remark, leading the singer to delete the tweet. She then clarified, “Look. Emotions are high today. Mine included. Just hating hate. Lots of opinions in the mix. LOVE is the only true answer. Hard subject tho.”
Several fans forgave Musgraves after she deleted the comment, but others were still upset. “Your tweet was horribly insensitive and wrong. You encouraged gun violence,” one follower wrote. Another person added, “You’re tacky & monstrous to make a saloon joke about a mass shooting. the only words you should be saying are ‘I’m sorry.'” And a different individual wrote, “You were wrong. You honestly need to reflect on your words and think before you tweet.”
Musgraves followed up once again, explaining, “All I know is something isn’t working. Thats all. I love y’all and my true intent is peaceful.” While more fans accepted her explanation, some still weren’t letting the singer off the hook. One follower rebutted, “How can your intent be peaceful if you want everyone to carry guns? Guns AREN’T peaceful.” Meanwhile, another person suggested, “Just apologize for a horribly insensitive and ignorant tweet and stop there.” Musgraves ended the discussion, but did go on to tweet a link showing locations where people can donate blood for the victims of the Orlando shooting.

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