Jun 13, 2016

Piers Morgan Asks Donald Trump: “Are You With The Terrorists?”

Donald Trump supporter Piers Morgan is none too pleased with the presidential candidate in the wake of the Orlando massacre, the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.
While Morgan, who won “Celebrity Apprentice” in 2008, has been vocal about supporting Trump in his run for president, he is now calling his former boss out. In a new column for the Daily Mail on Monday, he objects to Trump’s lack of support for gun control. The headline states, “We’ve had a no-fly list for suspected terrorists for years, so why not a no-buy list? It’s time for Trump and the NRA to show whose side they’re on.”
Morgan writes in the piece, “Right now, it is highly probable there are many more radicalized US-born Islamists like [Orlando gunman] Omar Mateen, who are known to the FBI and who might be currently plotting to kill fellow Americans on American soil.” He goes on:
“Surely, we can all agree that it’s in America’s vital national interest for it to be made as difficult as possible for these people to legally acquire the weaponry to do so?
So how, exactly, does the NRA and its pathetically supine Republican politician fan base including, I regret to say, my old friend Donald Trump — who all claim to care so much about the safety of U.S. citizens — suggest we achieve this without any new gun control laws?
They can’t and they don’t.
But how about this for an idea? I want every known ISIS sympathizer in America on FBI files, including every name on the no-fly list, to be banned with immediate effect from buying a gun, so we can try to save American lives.”
Morgan concludes by asking, “You with me, NRA and Mr Trump, or are you with the terrorists?” Trump has not responded to the new column, space Morgan has used in the past to praise the GOP frontrunner. Morgan’s pro-gun control stance is no secret, as he ranted about the issue following the Charleston shooting nearly a year ago.
His views on the issue also prompted detractors to petition for his deportation from the U.S. in 2012. And while Morgan previously called out Trump for his proposed ban on Muslims, he’s also written that the mogul-turned-politician is a “breath of fresh air” and shouldn’t ever apologize for his inflammatory comments. He also said in a March column that Trump has a plan to combat prevent terrorist attacks, supposedly unlike President Obama.
Morgan now clarified on Twitter after the publication of his column, “Trump is right about scale/urgency of radicalized Islamic terror threat, but wrong about guns.”