Jun 9, 2016

Khloe Kardashian NOT Pregnant, Despite Late And Wrong Report

Khloe Kardashian is not pregnant. She was not pregnant on Wednesday when Life & Style claimed she was having a baby. And she’s still not pregnant on Thursday, when MediaTakeOut picked up the story.
More incredibly, MediaTakeOut’s report isn’t just the typical “late and wrong” regurgitation. The site couldn’t even manage to regurgitate the original storycorrectly. Its headline reads, “REPORT: Khloe Kardashian Is PREGNANT… And She Doesn’t Know Who Her BABYS FATHER IS… She Narrowed It Down To FIVE MEN!!”
And the accompanying story states, “According to this week’s issue of Life And Style magazine, Khloe Kardashian is pregnant – and she is not certain who her baby’s father is.” Except, as Extreme Entertainment pointed out yesterday, Life & Style didn’t actually say Kardashian was pregnant. Or that she was unsure who the “father” was.
Rather, the sensational story said Kardashian was considering having a baby through IVF after freezing her eggs, and the tabloid’s “sources” speculated about guys who could possibly be the donor “dad.” It’s cover, however, certainly gave a stronger impression that Kardashian was currently expecting, and had no idea who fathered her child.
That’s the route MediaTakeOut chose to take, and as seen in the photo above, the site then took it even further by illustrating its report with a picture of Kardashian looking as if she’s shocked and confused over the news. Don’t be fooled: There is no baby daddy mystery, and Kardashian is not pregnant.
But that didn’t stop the clueless MediaFakeOut from adding, “If she IS pregnant, our bet is on Scott…” Well, the webloid might want to “bet” again, and not just because Kardashian isn’t pregnant. As Extreme Entertainment previously noted, hours after our correct bust on Wednesday, Scott Disick took to Instagram to mock to Life & Style for its cover story claims.
Now MTO certainly deserves mocking, too, particularly because this is hardly the first time the outlet has falsely claimed Kardashian is expecting. And it’s also worth pointing out that even the site’s own commenters are calling out its “pregnant” report for being so obviously false. For shame.

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