Jun 2, 2016

Taylor Swift, Calvin Harris Split: Fact Vs. Fiction

False rumors continue to surround Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris’ split. Extreme Entertainment is here to separate the facts from the fiction regarding the breakup.
As Extreme Entertainment reported on Wednesday, Swift and Harris split after 15 months together. We were told that there was no scandal or specific dramatic event that led to the couple parting of ways. And while three months ago, the music stars celebrated their one-year anniversary and shared numerous photos of their tropical getaway on social media, time passed and we’re told Swift and Harris ultimately realized they weren’t right for each other. Extreme Entertainment will now run down the rumors that have been swirling about the pop star and the EMD DJ since the news broke about them splitting.
FICTION: Harris ended the relationship with Swift because he was “intimidated” by her success, as reported by People. The magazine quotes a “friend” of Swift’s as allegedly saying, “[Harris] said on multiple occasions that he was intimidated by Taylor, which is why he would not attend any events where she was being honored, or any award shows unless he was nominated.”
FACT: Extreme Entertainment is told Harris was not intimidated by Swift’s career. If anything, he was always proud of her. And it should be noted, Harris is one of the biggest and music successful producers and EDM stars in the business and by no means a stranger to success or the spotlight.
FICTION: Harris was “bored” with Swift, as reported by E!. The outlet claims Harris had been “bored for a while” in the relationship, and friends of the former couple thought they had a “lack of chemistry.”
FACT: Extreme Entertainment is told Harris was not “bored” by any stretch of the imagination with Swift and their privileged lives. And while the “chemistry” was not as intense at the end as it was in the beginning (like most couples), the two have tremendous love and appreciation for one another.
When Extreme Entertainment looked into the reason for the split, we found that it was simply a case of things not working out. We were told the relationship “ran its course” and “it happens.”Extreme Entertainment knows many people love a juicy headline, especially regarding a celebrity split as high-profile as Harris and Swift’s, but in this instance, there was nothing salacious about it. Regardless, we’ll continue to separate the fact from the fiction on all the gossip about Swift and Harris.
On Thursday, Harris himself acknowledged the avalanche of misinformation and tweeted, “The only truth here is that a relationship came to an end & what remains is a huge amount of love and respect.” Swift retweeted his message moments later. And Extreme Entertainment hopes the media respects Swift and Harris in its reporting about them.