Donald Trump Jr. compared Syrian refugees to poisoned Skittles in a tweet Monday night, and celebrities are now reacting to the analogy. See stars’ reactions below.
The son of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump posted a meme of a bowl of skittles, along with the caption, “If I had a bowl of Skittles and I told you three would kill you, would you take a handful? That’s our Syrian refugee problem.” Many Twitter users have taken offense to the juxtaposition between people and candy, and are also poking holes in the argument. John Legend wrote, “By that logic, you would take everyone’s guns away. Because someone is gonna kill somebody at some point. But I guess that doesn’t count.” The singer added, “Oh and human beings fleeing oppression and terror aren’t skittles.”
Denis Leary joked, “I was wondering when someone would bring Skittles into the presidential race. What’s next – a bowl of Raisinets?” And Josh Gad similarly quipped, “We hit the #skittles moral compass meter for the election one week sooner than I had anticipated. Reese’s is now on the clock.” Meanwhile, Ruby Rose asked, “Can skittles sue Trump? Can everyone sue trump? How is Trump still a thing, because people thought it was funny? Well it’s scary not funny.”
Patton Oswalt said, “#Skittles is trending and without checking why I know it involves Trump aaaaand I’m guessing…race and/or immigration?” Zach Braff posted a picture of Trump Jr. holding a severed elephant tale, adding, “That feeling when you drop your dank Skittles meme.” And Mia Farrow simply expressed, “This is sickening.”
Skittles’ parent company, Wrigley, also said in statement, “Skittles are candy. Refugees are people. We don’t feel it’s an appropriate analogy. We will respectfully refrain from further commentary as anything we say could be misinterpreted as marketing.”
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