Sep 20, 2016

Nyle DiMarco Hillary Clinton Ad In Sign Language – WATCH VIDEO

Nyle DiMarco stars in a new ad for Hillary Clinton that is conducted entirely in sign language. Watch video below.
The new commercial was shared on Clinton’s Twitter account on Tuesday. It features no sound, but has captions to match what DiMarco is saying. The deaf star begins, “You can leave this ad muted. There’s nothing to hear. And keep scrolling past it if you want. We’re used to being ignored.” “But if you’re still listening to my voice, please know that there a lot of people out there without one,” DiMarco continues.
“Among the 50 million Americans living with a disability, many don’t have the ability to work, travel, or to do countless other things you might take for granted,” he signs. DiMarco goes on, “So this November, please consider voting for the only candidate with a plan to change that.” The address for Clinton’s website then appears on screen. “Because the voice of your vote is the greatest voice we have,” DiMarco says to conclude the ad.
The “Dancing with the Stars” winner’s support for Clinton first became known earlier this month, when he said in a speech at a Human Rights Campaign dinner, “In this very turbulent political year, trust me, don’t you want to sometimes just turn the volume off completely when Donald Trump starts to rant? I have a tremendous advantage there as well. I don’t hear a thing.”
It’s unclear if DiMarco and Clinton quickly teamed up after that to make the new commercial, or if it was already in the works. Check out the video below.