Oct 3, 2016

Spencer Pratt Mocks Kim Kardashian Robbery

Spencer Pratt is mocking Kim Kardashian in the wake of Monday’s armed robbery. The former reality star has fired off more than a dozen tweets making light of the scary situation.
As Extreme Entertainment reported, in the early morning hours on Monday in Paris,Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint. She was bound and gagged, and had millions worth of jewelry stolen from her. Thankfully, she was able to escape uninjured.
Before all the facts of the frightening situation were known, and even after, Pratt sent a number of messages on Twitter joking about the life-threatening incident. “Kim didn’t snapchat her robbery so don’t believe these sources,” the former star of “The Hills” said in one his earliest tweets on the matter. He went on crack, “Breaking: TAYLOR SWIFT is not suspect.”
“I will always remember where I was drinking when Kim was robbed,” Pratt later wrote. He also made quips about Kardashian stealing attention away from Lindsay Lohan, as well as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. At one point, the controversial personality tried to downplay his snarky comments, writing, “obviously there is nothing funny about this” and “This is how I cope.”
But he still went on to sarcastically say, “France better put anti terror squad on this case now!” When James Corden tweeted against those mocking Kardashian, Pratt accused, “James Corden out here tryna get yeezy karaoke.” And after a break of several hours, Pratt returned with more snide remarks.
He cracked, “messing with Kim is attack on America! France better make this right I’m furious Paris police didn’t have police protection for Kim especially after that scum assaulted her earlier in the week.” Pratt even went on to blame Kardashian for what happened to her.
“this is scary lesson not to snapchat your location,” Pratt argued. “I don’t mean only famous people either. Not safe putting your location on social media.” Of course, Kardashian making it publicly known she’s in Paris does not make it okay for anyone to rob her.

And to further underscore how not serious he thought incident was, Pratt mockingly added, “For real tho where is apology from French president.” Meanwhile, other celebrity reactions have been a show of support for Kardashian.

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