Nov 27, 2011

Evelyn Lozada Signs On Four Season Four Of BasketWives After Lucrative New Contract With VH1 | Bossip

Evelyn Lozada Signs On Four Season Four Of BasketWives After Lucrative New Contract With VH1 | Bossip:

We could have sworn that back in September Evelyn Lozada said nothing to could make her come back to Basketball Wives after the embarrassment she suffered last season.
We should have known that was just a test to see how deeply VH1 and Shaunie were willing to dig into their pockets. And, according to TMZ, Evelyn got the answer she wanted:
Evelyn Lozada was all set to leave “Basketball Wives” and not return for the show’s fourth season — until the show offered her a deal she just couldn’t turn down … which, TMZ has learned, includes her own spin-off show.
As TMZ previously reported, Evelyn had made up her mind that she was done with the show for good after VH1 posted a blog insinuating she cheated on her [future] husband, NFL star Chad Ochocinco.
Once Evelyn let producers know she was out, that’s when we’re told they really made a push to keep her.
According to our sources, her new arrangement with the show has her shooting about half as often (but with a raise) and that she can work around her daughter’s school schedule. We’re also told Evelyn has made it clear … she will not miss any of Chad’s games.
But according to our sources, the final carrot that sealed the deal … was that VH1 promised to spin off Evelyn and Chad into their own show. We’re told that show would document the months leading up to their wedding … but so far no deal to shoot the wedding has been made.
Dayum. Must be nice!
Will you tune in to a Ev & Ocho spin-off???

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