Justin Bieber’s fans want Jeff Ross and the rest of the world to know… they’ve gotten their periods. In news we couldn’t make up if we tried, #IHaveMyPeriodJustin became the top Twitter trending topic in the United States on Monday, as thousands of Beliebers announced they’re not the pre-pubescent children Ross joked they were during this weekend’s taping of Bieber’s Comedy Central Roast.
As Extreme Entertainment reported, Ross made this crack at the roast: “Justin, I feel like I’m roasting you for the entire world tonight. The roast fans really want blood this time… even though most of your fans haven’t even gotten their periods yet.” (Get it? Because they’re young!)
Given the tens of millions of fans who make up Bieber’s Twitter army, it didn’t take long for a huge social media response to Ross’ joke. Most of the Beliebers seem to have taken the diss in stride (as did Bieber, during the roast), although some seem genuinely hurt and angry by Ross’ insinuation that Bieber only appeals to little girls. If nothing else, the #IHaveMyPeriodJustin trend proves how quickly a joke can take on a life of its own online. Watch the video of Jeff Ross joking about Justin Bieber’s fans at the Comedy Central Roast, and tell us what you think.
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