Dec 7, 2011

Alec Baldwin Kicked Off American Airlines Flight For Playing "Words With Friends" | Bossip

Alec Baldwin Kicked Off American Airlines Flight For Playing "Words With Friends" | Bossip:

Who doesn’t love playing Words with Friends??!?!
The 53-year-old 30 Rock actor was kicked off his flight from L.A. Tuesday afternoon. Several passengers confirmed the news via Twitter moments as Baldwin was removed from the plane. Said Activate founder and managing director Michael J. Wolf: “On an AA flight at LAX. Alec Baldwin removed from the plane We had to go back to the gate. Terrible that everyone had to wait.” Baldwin’s early exit may have been due to his use of electronics. “The flight attendant on American reamed me out for playing Words With Friends while we sat at the gate, not moving,” Baldwin tweeted. “No wonder American Air is bankrupt.”
“But, oddly, 30 Rock plays inflight on American,” Baldwin added. “The real way is United.” Baldwin’s rep explained the ordeal to Us Weekly, saying: “Alec was asked to leave the flight for playing Words with Friends while parked at the gate. He loves WWF so much that he was willing to leave a plane for it, but he has already boarded another AA flight.”
Dead at Alec saying, “No wonder American Air is bankrupt.”

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