The Cannes Film Festival has announced that Moonrise Kingdom, a film that stars Bruce Willis and Bill Murray, will be the opening film of the 65th Cannes Film Festival on May 16.
The new film, which was produced by Wes Anderson, also features Edward Norton, Frances McDormand, Tilda Swinton and Jason Schwartzman.
Set during the 1960s, the film recounts a pair of young lovers who run away from their New England town, which then evokes a search party headed by Bruce Willis' character to go find them.
Cannes Film Festival officials expressed delight to have Anderson's film kick off the festival, calling him "a brilliant and inventive filmmaker" and "one of the rising powers of American cinema."
Moonrise Kingdom will be released in French cinemas the same day that it premieres in Cannes, and is slated for a May 25th release in the United States.
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