Mar 9, 2012

Russ Says: The Bottom Six On ‘American Idol’ Have No Chance Of Winning The Show

Thankfully the judges listened to me and kept Elise Testone around for another week. But after seeing who was in the bottom six, I am convinced none of them will be the next American Idol.

Let’s list them off! Erika Van PeltShannon MagraneElise TestoneJermaine Jones, Joshua Ledet and Jeremy Rosado. They all have something in common besides being the bottom six, they have no chance of being the next American Idol. Seeing them all in the bottom six made me realize that they are all talented but they don’t have that one extra thing to set them apart from the rest of the bunch. When you look at some of the saved contestants, like Colton DixonPhillip Phillips and Jessica Sanchez, it’s obvious they are light years ahead of the other competition.
Now I don’t have a favorite Idol hopeful yet, but I can certainly see the seven that were instantly saved have a clear advantage over the rest of the cast. Love him or hate him, Heejun Han has a few weeks left on the show. Hollie Cavanagh is still going to turn heads with her amazing voice. Deandre Brackensick will still charm the ladies and Skylar Laine may be the dark horse of the whole competition. But those that were thrown to the wolves in the bottom six really have to turn things around to just get out of the bottom two or three for the remaining weeks to come.
Will I be proven wrong? We will see — but I am confident in how this show works and have a feeling I am barking up the right tree in my predictions. But if any of the contestants who were in the bottom six from the March 8 elimination episode prove me wrong, I will be the first to applaud them on a job well done. Hopefully, they will read this and it will provide a spark for them to step it up.