Apr 19, 2012

Kathy Griffin On Dating A Younger Man: ‘I’m Living’ ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’

Kathy Griffin is robbing the proverbial cradle (dating a man nearly two decades her junior) and the comedienne kept the Access Hollywood Live crew in stitches on Thursday as she dished about her new romance.
“Let’s just cut to the chase – he’s a lot younger than I am,” Kathy told Billy Bush and Kit Hoover. “Let’s not dance around this.”
“Pros, cons?” Billy asked.
“Pros, he’s freakin’ 18 years younger. So, it’s a go-time situation,” Kathy said, as Billy and Kit laughed. “Cons, there aren’t any! I don’t know what to tell ya.”
Talk quickly turned to whether Kathy, 51, has any trouble keeping up with her younger beau in the bedroom.
“When he’s ready to go are you ready to go?” Billy asked.
“Always,” Kathy responded without hesitation, prompting Kit to suggest Kathy read E L James’ erotic novel, “Fifty Shades of Grey.”
“Oh, I’m living it,” Kathy laughed. “I’m like 51 shades of grey.”
In addition to her budding relationship, Kathy has a new, self-titled show set to premiere on Bravo.
“It’s once a week, but it’s an hour, so we get to go deep,” she explained. “I’m gonna talk about whatever happened in my life and of course I’ll be making fun of all the people that you promote on this show! Everybody goes down.”
“Kathy” premieres tonight at 10/9c on Bravo.

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