Jul 8, 2012

Exclusive: Floyd Mayweather Sr. To Train Drake, Chris Brown

If Drake accepts an offer to fight Chris Brown for $5 million, the Canadian rapper could receive some training from a boxing legend to help him prepare for the bout. RumorFix has learned exclusively that Celebrity Boxing guru Damon Feldman has signed Floyd Mayweather Sr. to train either Brown or Drake for the bout.
Mayweather Sr. is of course, the father of boxing legend Floyd Mayweather Sr.
As RumorFix first reported, Brown says he’s up for the fighting Drake if Drake were to accept the terms of the boxing match.
A tentative September 15 date has been set by Feldman and business entrepreneur Alki David for the match. The men are promising both Drake and Brown $5 million if they square off for three rounds in a bout set in Las Vegas.

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