Jul 13, 2012

MAG: Jennifer Aniston Calls Angelina Jolie “Horny B**ch” and “She-Devil”

According to the National EnquirerJennifer Anistonrecently went after Angelina Jolie for her… horns.
The tabloid, still fixated on phony feuding between the actresses, claims Aniston was chatting with a “coterie of girly-pals” when she “triggered hysterical giggles” with a joke about Jolie’s Maleficentcostume, which has alreadyinspired at least one false Enquirer report.
Aniston is said to have “gored” Jolie by jabbing, “Those horns suit her perfectly… she’s always been a horny b****!”
Oh, but Aniston allegedly wasn’t finished, supposedly going on to call Jolie a “she-devil.”
The Enquirer wonders, “Despite being madly in love with Justin Theroux, do ya think Jenstill holds a grudge against She-Devil for stealing Brad Pitt away?”
No, we don’t.
We think the Enquirer still has nothing better to do than invent a “grudge” and use made-up anecdotes like this one to create the illusion of a feud.
A source close to Aniston tells Gossip Cop she never said those things about Jolie andMaleficent.