Aug 15, 2012

Academy of Villains Called “Best” Of America’s Got Talent YouTube Night

“America’s Got Talent” returned on Tuesday with 12 acts pulled from YouTube, but according to the judges, only one made the night worthwhile.
Theater-based hip-hop dance companyAcademy of Villainsblew away the panel and the audience with their routine, which featured the troupe dressed almost as if they were extras from Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” video.

And the audition was (almost) as exciting.
“Finally something to crow about,” Howard Stern exclaimed after the performance, which had been preceded by a number of mediocre — and just plain terrible — acts.
Sharon Osbourne, who along with Howie Mandel gave a standing ovation, agreed, saying, “It’s been a tough one tonight but it was worth it to get you.”
Mandel said the dancers were “the best thing about tonight’s show,” and even begged viewers to vote them into the semi-finals.
Check out the video below, and tell us if Academy of Villains has your vote.



SNAPPS said...

I thought Academy of Villains did an awesome performance on the YouTube auditions of Americas Got Talent. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for the next audition which has me excited. I can enjoy AGT more being able to skip my commercials on my primetime recordings. The day after my shows have recorded I can watch all my primetime shows commercial free using the Auto Hop feature. I can watch my shows commercial free if I select to enable the Auto Hop feature. I was happy to learn from my coworker at Dish how the feature worked. The play back usually starts right away once I confirm the popup asking if I want to skip the commercials for that episode. This will save some wear and tear on the remote since I recently had to replace it.