Sep 25, 2012

Madonna Endorses Obama: Keep Our “Black Muslim” in White House (VIDEO)

Madonna endorsed President Obama during her concert in Washington, D.C. on Monday — although she chose some unusual words to do so.
In an impassioned speech referencing both Abraham Lincolnand Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as Obama’s support for gay rights, the Material Girl declared, “Y’all better vote for f**king Obama, OK?… For better or for worse, we have a black Muslim in the White House, OK?”
She added, “That’s some amazing s**t. That means there is hope in this country.”
It’s worth noting, of course, that President Obama is not actually Muslim, despite that myth taking root in recent years.
In any case, it appears Republican challenger Mitt Romney should not count on Madonnaor Nicki Minaj’s support come Election Day.
Check out the video below!
WARNING: Some explicit language.
