Mar 20, 2013

TAB: Pregnant Kim Kardashian “Can’t Stop Eating,” Could Weigh 200 Pounds

“Kim’s 200-lb. Nightmare: I Can’t Stop Eating!” screams a ridiculous cover fromIn Touch, which claims a pregnant Kim Kardashian “can’t cope with her drastic weight gain.”
According to the magazine, the reality star has been “bingeing on high-calorie foods to the point that she’s literally busting out of her clothes.”
A supposed “family insider” tells the tab, “She’s eating whatever she wants — ice cream, fries, cereal loaded with sugar.”
That’s funny, because Kardashian said last week at her movie premiere that she “used to love sweets,” but has had no appetite for such foods since becoming pregnant.
Anyway, the rag speculates that the star has already put on “25 to 35 pounds” only five months into her pregnancy, and “could end up tipping the scales at more than 200 pounds” by the time her baby is born.
A second “family insider” alleges, “She’s gaining three pounds a week when she should only be gaining one.”
In Touch then goes on to claim that Kardashian is “considering going on celebrity trainerHarley Pasternak’s Body Reset program, which entails drinking smoothies for every meal for the first five days of the 15-day program.”
OK, so the Temptation actress is allegedly bingeing on unhealthy foods while planning to go on a restrictive diet?
That’s a bit of a contradiction, no?
Regardless, the mag further quotes the second “source” as saying, “She’s freaking out that she’s going to be the next Jessica Simpson.”
Sadly, it seems Kardashian has already become “the next Jessica Simpson” — to the shameless tabloid media.
As you’ll recall, the tabs mercilessly bullied Simpson over her pregnancy weight gain week after week, with one outlet even nastily claiming she’d been “rejected from lap band surgery twice.”
Now, they’re doing the same thing with Kardashian.
It’s pretty sad.
In any case, a Kardashian friend tells Gossip Cop the mag’s story is “totally not true,” adding, “Kim has only gained about 15-20 pounds.”

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