Aug 31, 2013

Why Are People Lying About Amanda Bynes?

Stories don’t add up for the two people getting the most publicity around Amanda Bynes, Extreme Entertainment is reporting.
Publicist Jonathan Jaxson and Chinga Chang CEO Dan Herman come up in Google searches almost as often as Amanda Bynes. Both of them have been talking about Amanda for weeks.
Jonathan spoke on behalf of Amanda to ET saying she was “improving daily,” he also told Extreme Entertainment that he’s been retained by someone (he would not name whom) to handle press for Amanda.

But now the attorney for Lynn and Rick Bynes, Tamar Arminak, says in a statement to E!, “Jonathan Jaxson does not represent the Bynes family or Amanda. We are not sure why he is commenting on Amanda’s health care or representing himself as a publicist hired by her family. Amanda’s family continues to be devoted to their daughter’s well being.”
Jonathan, who admits to donating his time for Amanda, tells Extreme Entertainment, “I don’t care what people say about me. I never claimed to rep her parents … God knows the truth and he will allow justice to serve itself.”
As for Dan Herman, he told Extreme Entertainment and other outlets that he has been negotiating a record deal with Amanda at the psych ward at UCLA, but Tamar debunked reports that the former Nickelodeon star was even there.
She said, “Up until today, Amanda has been at Hillmont [Psychiatric Center in Ventura, Calif.] and not at UCLA Medical Center. The photographs of a woman in a blue wig exiting Hillmont for UCLA Medical Center two weeks ago were not of Amanda Bynes.”
At Extreme Entertainment, we explore our stories with a healthy bit of skepticism, so we have always asked Jonathan and Dan for proof of their assertions. Dan provided us with phone records showing he did indeed get a phone call from the UCLA Medical Center — but now we know — that doesn’t matter because Amanda wasn’t there.
Dan also told us that he’s negotiating a reality TV show with Pilgrim Studios, while the Studio wouldn’t return our calls — Dan did provide documentation from the TV production company showing that they are indeed talking about doing an Amanda Bynes reality show.
When contacted by Extreme Entertainment to discuss Tamar’s statement, he said, “They have phones in Ventura if she was even there. The call I got from UCLA was legit. No one pranked me.”

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