Lea Black had a secret wedding too!?!
Adriana de Moura drops a crazy bombshell on this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Miami.
While she gathers her bridesmaids at the bridal salon to shop for dresses and the champagne starts flowing, she gleefully pulls out an old People magazine article from March of 1995 that says that Lea [who was known as Lisa Haller at the time] was legally wed four months to her husband, famous defense attorney Roy Black, before their actual wedding.
Adriana thinks Lea is being hypocritical by calling Adriana out on the exact same thing. Sorry Adriana, but the differences are major here, four months in Lea’s case is not the same as five years of pretending that you are a struggling single mother, asking friends for financial
help and also asking to be set up on dates!
Adriana writes in her blog, “I was shocked to learn that my friend of seven years never even told me her real name, and I was even more shocked to learn that Lea had a secret marriage that she hid from her friends and business partner
at that time –as the People magazine titled ‘Love and the Law’ — clearly states.
She goes on to say, “How ironic it is that she has been calling me a liar and crucifying me for not disclosing my marriage to her and yet she did the same!?”
Lea responds in her blog writing, “No, I wasn’t secretly married to Roy. We were 100% married but didn’t think we were a big enough deal to notify the press. We still don’t! Why would I think anyone outside of our families and friends would care about our nuptials? At the time Roy was more well known than we thought, and I guess the press found it interesting that we had eloped. But we never lied about it, we just didn’t put it in the press. And I didn’t continue to date or use my friends to help me through my struggles. I have been married in my heart, on paper and without a ceremony, ever since.”
Regarding her fake name as Adriana cackled about, Lea writes, “And no, I didn’t lie about my middle name ‘Lisa,’ It’s been on my birth certificate and my driver’s license my whole life.”
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