Sep 3, 2013

Farrah Abraham: Does “Feminist” Mean “You’re a Lesbian or Something?”

Farrah Abraham spoke to the Miami New Times on Tuesday, and after assuring the interviewer, “I’m smart,” she then said she thought being a feminist meant one is a “lesbian.”
Following talk about how her porn video somehow “leaked,” the interviewer asked, “Do you consider yourself a feminist?” to which Abraham replied, “I’m pretty feminine. I think so.”

But when the interviewer said, “Not feminine — feminist,” the “Teen Mom” turned Backdoor Teen Mom star asked, “What does that mean, you’re a lesbian or something?”
Having explained to Abraham in simple language that feminism broadly encompasses the basic idea “that women are equal to men,” the XXX star agreed, “Women should have equal rights to men, every day.”
Among other gems from Abraham include her saying, “I feel like opening up a restaurant, opening up a gentleman’s club, opening up a children’s clothing store and doing songs, book.”
“A gentleman’s club” and a “children’s clothing store”?
Those are quite varying interests.
Sound off below about Abraham’s latest comments.