Sep 5, 2013

Gia Allemand’s Mom: Why I Picked Dr. Phil

Gia Allemand’s mom, Donna Micheletti, breaks her silence on her famous daughter’s tragic death.
Donna said she picked Dr. Phil McGraw for the exclusive interview because of his professional expertise. 

“I wanted an opportunity to tell my daughter’s story and give some background into Gia’s struggles,” said Donna said in a press release sent to Extreme Entertainment. “My hope is that talking about Gia’s death will be helpful for our family and be a message to others in emotional pain. As a respected professional, Dr. Phil was the best choice in having this conversation. We are very grateful for the opportunity to communicate through Dr. Phil’s platform.”
Friends, family and fans are still in shock that The Bachelor star took her own life on August 14.
“Gia Allemand’s death has been a shock and bewilderment to many who loved her and watched her on television over the last number of years. We vetted numerous options for the right outlet for a conversation about her life and death and open a greater discussion about suicide,” Gia’s rep Penelope Jean Hayes, said. “Dr. Phil was by far the best choice for us to accomplish that as he shares with us the common intention to help those struggling with emotional health issues and bring exposure to a topic that is still a social taboo to talk about and embrace openly and honestly. Dr. Phil is a true professional and his love for humanity comes through with sincerity.”
The episode airs on Tuesday, September 10.

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